Chapter 1: Introduction
• Ethernet uplink WAN port/Local Ethernet LAN port (for configuration only)
• Wireless AP with operating range of 2000+ feet
• Auto-forming wireless bridging (AWB) ,up to 40 nodes.
• Power over Ethernet (PoE)
• Above average temperature range for extreme environments (with TEC option)
• HTTPS/TLS secure Web
• Bandwidth
• Adjustable Radio Power
• MAC address filtering
• Load
• Rogue AP Detection
The following security modules have been implemented in the WAB–2000.
• AES (128 bit) for Bridge
• WEP (64, 128, and 152 bit) for AP
• WPA (pre-share key and TKIP/AES-CCMP) for AP
• 802.11i/WPA2 (128 bit) for AP
Wireless Basics
Wireless networking uses electromagnetic radio frequency waves to transmit and receive data.
Communication occurs by establishing radio links between the wireless access point and devices
configured to be part of the WLAN.
For wireless devices to communicate with the WAB–2000 , they must meet the following
• The wireless device and wireless access point must have been configured to recognize each other
using the SSID (a unique ID assigned in setup so that the wireless device is seen to be part of the
network by the WAB–2000 );
• Encryption and authentication capabilities and types enabled must conform; and
• If MAC filtering is used, the WAB–2000 must be configured to allow the wireless device’s MAC
address to associate (communicate) with the WAB–2000 wireless interface.