Periodical sending
You can set to send an image file by SMTP server periodically by selecting On to send the image file by
SMTP server linked with setting period.
Image file name
Type the file name of the image sent by SMTP up to 10 alphanumeric characters, -
(hyphen) and _ (under score).
Select a suffix to be added to the file name sent by SMTP.
The name of the sent file will be the Image file name.
Date & time
The date & time suffix is added to the Image file name. The date & time suffix consists of lower
two-digits of year (2 digits), month (2 digits), date (2 digits), hour (2 digits), minute (2 digits) and second (2
digits), and consecutive number (2 digits), thus 14-digit number is added to the file name.
Sequence number
A consecutive number is added to the Image file name.
Sequence number clear
Click Clear and the suffix of the sequence number returns to 1.
Set the periodical sending is effective interval. Min value is 30 min and Max value is 24 hour.
Effective period
Set the period when the periodical sending is effective.
The periodical sending is always effective.
You can specify the period when the periodical sending is effective in the schedule setting in the
other section. Click Schedule and the setting menu for the effective period is displayed. (“Setting the
Schedule — Schedule setting Menu” on page 34)
HTTP Event
Use this menu to set up for capturing and sending images to an HTTP server. By using HTTP client
function, you can send the image and audio file which has been shot and recorded linked with the external