There is nothing you can fix or adjust inside, so do not open it up. In the rare
instance that this Pedal malfunctions, contact Hammond USA.
Do not let it (or the AC adapter) get wet under any circumstance.
Do not use it, store it, or transport it anywhere near a heat source. That means
direct sunlight, too.
This Pedal can only be used with the provided AC power supply. Other “Wall
Warts” that you can buy will cause malfunction and void your warranty.
Treat it kindly - do not drop it, or expose it to excess vibration. (Although the
excessive Good Vibes you’ll get from playing this pedal are acceptable.)
Pull the plug when not in use - and remove the adapter from the wall socket. Do
not transport the Pedal with the AC adapter plug attached.
safety iNfOrMatiON
the leslie PeDal 11