Electrical installation
Wiring and Configuration
BA_MC−Card EN 1.0
For diagnostic purposes, the following tools are provided on the "PC based Automation"
PCAN view: Simple CAN monitor
PCAN stat: Status monitor of the device driver
Further information on how to apply these diagnostic programs can be found in the
The device driver contains a user interface which can be addressed with the following
PCAN Light
A simple DLL interface for accessing max. one communication card MC−CAN2. The API
"PCAN Light" comprises all functions for initialising, parameter setting, exchanging
data, and reading out status information.
The API comes in two DLLs on the "PC based Automation" DVD: PCAN_MC_CAN.DLL
for accessing CAN1 and PCAN_MC_CAN2.DLL for accessing CAN2, hence the CAN
terminals of the first plugged MC−CAN2 card. The access to a second MC−CAN2 card is
not possible with PCAN Light but only by means of the integrated development
environments PCAN Evaluation or PCAN Developer (see below).
Further information on "PCAN Light" can be obtained from the online help for "PCAN
Light" on the "PC based Automation" DVD. There you will also find the source code of
example programs for a quick training.
In order to use "PCAN Light" together with the MC−CAN2 card, you must get
an additional licence. This is coupled with the communication card and made visible by
a licence sticker. Before using "PCAN Light", please check if you have got the required
licence since otherwise you would violate the copyright.
PCAN Evaluation / PCAN Developer
These complex integrated development environments provide more comprehensive
functions than PCAN Light; e.g.:
– Event operation
– Error frame handling
– Operation of several clients with one hardware
The integrated development environments can be obtained from the Peak company
Addressing the communication card from your own applications requires
special programming skills. Lenze does not offer any support regarding this
The communication card is compatible with the technology of Peak (
There you will get the required support.