Retracting/extending the side sections
Risk of accident due to incorrect retraction of the side sections
Incorrect retraction of the side sections will result in accidents if the-
re are people in the slewing and folding area of the side section or if
there are high-voltage lines in the slewing and folding area of the
side sections. See section entitled "Hazardous areas".
Before retracting, check that there is nobody within the slewing
and folding area of the side sections.
Never retract the side sections if there are high-voltage lines in
the slewing and folding area of the side sections.
Do not retract the side sections until the device has been fully rai-
Damage to the implement
Driving with unlocked tractor control units may cause the side sec-
tions to extend unintentionally during transportation if the side sec-
tions are not interlocked by the hydraulic transport lock.
As a result, other road users may be injured or killed while the im-
plement is being transported.
As a result, people in the immediate vicinity may be injured or killed.
Always lock the control unit of the tractor before transportation.
Ensure that the hydraulic transport lock is always locked in the
implement's transport position.