Rugby 200-3.2.1en
LED Indicators
LED Indicators
Rugby200-8 Rugby_membrane.eps
1 Laser Emission Indicator
Off: The Rugby and the laser
beam are off.
Flashing: Leveling in progress.
On: The Rugby has leveled and
the laser beam is on.
2 Low Battery Indicator (red)
Off: Battery ok
Slow Flashing 1Hz: Low Battery
Fast Flashing 5Hz: Low Battery,
turns off soon
On: Turns off in 5 Minutes
3 Manual Mode Indicator (red)
Off: Automatic Self-Leveling
Fast Flashing 5Hz: Manual,
Cross Axis Self-Leveling
Slow Flashing 1Hz: Manual, Both
4 Elevation Alert (H.I.) Indicator
Off: The H.I. Alert function is off.
On: The H.I. Alert function is on.
Flashing: H.I. Alert. The Rugby
has moved.
Calibration Mode
In Calibration Mode, the
Low Battery and Manual
Mode Indicators will blink
In the first axis the Low Battery will
blink at 5 Hz, the Manual Mode at
1 Hz.
In the second axis the Low Battery
will blink at 1 Hz, the Manual Mode
at 5 Hz.
When an arrow button is pressed to
change calibration, the Emission
Indicator LED will turn off for one half
second to indicate a button press.
Out of Level Indication
When there is an Out of
Level Failure, the Rugby
has been set up outside
of its self-leveling range
and cannot achieve
level. The LED’s will
blink in sequence. Turn the unit off,
level the top of the tripod and try again.
If running line or grade in manual
mode, the Rugby will also give an out
of level indication if a limit is reached,
reverse directions and continue