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• Upon resumption of normal operation there
will be a 90 minute time delay before a full
charge is applied to the battery to allow the
unit to reach normal operating temperature
(CEL option). During full charge the status
LED will display two green flashes. The
charger will return a depleted battery to full
capacity within 24 hours. When the battery
has reached full capacity, maintenance
(trickle) charging begins and the status
LED will display steady green.
Load Learning (Fig. 3)
• In the event of a prolonged power outage,
the battery is protected from deep discharge
by a low voltage disconnect circuit.
CAUTION: To avoid electrical overload, total
connected lamp load (factory and field installed)
should not exceed output rating.
• Any time the total emergency lamp load
(internal or external) or the remote exit sign
load (RXR option only) is intentionallyaltered,
the system must be reset by pressing and
holding themanual test pushbutton for
approximately 7 seconds. Failure to do so will
result in a lamp fault indication.
Status Indicator (Figs. 3, 4)
• A single dual-color status/fault LED is
provided to allow monitoring of the circuit
function. See fig. 2.
Self-Diagnostics (Figs. 3, 4)
Battery: The battery condition is
constantly monitored during normal operation,
tests and charge cycles. A malfunctioning or
end-of-life battery will terminate any charge or
test and return the unit to normal operation. The
status indicator will display steady red.
Emergency Lamps: The emergency lamp
condition is constantly monitored during test
cycles. A variation of more than 10% of
nominal load current will cause the
status indicator to display single red flashes.
Remote Exits (if equipped): The LED
lamp condition is constantly monitored during
normal operation and test cycles. A variation
of more than 25% of nominal load current
will cause the status indicator to
display two red flashes.
Charger: The charger function is constantly
monitored during battery charging. A
charger malfunction will terminate the
charge and return the unit to normal operation.
The status indicator will display three red flashes.
Transfer: The normal-to-emergency
and emergency-tonormal power transfer
functions are monitored at the beginning and
end of each test cycle. A transfer circuit
malfunction will cause the status indicator to
display four red flashes.