MAX. 127 positions
except 95. Preset 95 is reserved for entering into OSD menu. Camera parameters such as
White Balance, Auto Exposure and others can be set up independently and each preset can
have its own parameter values independently from the other persets
presets with a controller, Label should be blank and "Camera Adjust" should be set to
"GLOBAL" as the default.
Setting Presets
Set Preset [1~128]
Running Presets
Go Preset [1~128]
Deleting Presets
To delete Presets, enter into
This function
programmed speeds. When a swing function runs, the camera moves from the preset
assigned as the 1st point to the preset assigned as the 2nd point in CW(Clockwise) direction.
Then the camera moves from the preset assigned as
the 1st point in CCW(Counterclockwise) direction.
In case that the preset assigned as the 1st point and the preset assigned as the 2nd point are
same, the camera turns on its axis by 360
on its axis by 360
/sec to 180
Setting Swings
To set Swing, enter into
Running Swings
Method 1) <Run Pattern> [Swing NO. + 10]
Method 2) <Go Preset> [Swing NO. + 140]
Deleting Swings
To delete Swings, enter into
positions are programmable. The Preset number can be
except 95. Preset 95 is reserved for entering into OSD menu. Camera parameters such as
White Balance, Auto Exposure and others can be set up independently and each preset can
have its own parameter values independently from the other persets
presets with a controller, Label should be blank and "Camera Adjust" should be set to
"GLOBAL" as the default. To change the parameters, enter into OSD menu.
Set Preset [1~128]
Go Preset [1~128]
To delete Presets, enter into OSD menu.
function is that the camera moves repetitively between two preset positions at
programmed speeds. When a swing function runs, the camera moves from the preset
assigned as the 1st point to the preset assigned as the 2nd point in CW(Clockwise) direction.
Then the camera moves from the preset assigned as the 2nd point to the preset assigned as
the 1st point in CCW(Counterclockwise) direction.
In case that the preset assigned as the 1st point and the preset assigned as the 2nd point are
same, the camera turns on its axis by 360
in CW(Clockwise) direction and then it turns back
on its axis by 360
in CCW (Counterclockwise) direction. The Swing speed is defined from
/sec to 180
To set Swing, enter into OSD menu.
Method 1) <Run Pattern> [Swing NO. + 10]
Method 2) <Go Preset> [Swing NO. + 140]
ex) Run Swing 3 : <Run Pattern> [13]
ex) Run Swing 3 : <Go Preset> [143]
To delete Swings, enter into OSD menu.
The Preset number can be assigned from 1 to 128
except 95. Preset 95 is reserved for entering into OSD menu. Camera parameters such as
White Balance, Auto Exposure and others can be set up independently and each preset can
have its own parameter values independently from the other persets. When setting up
presets with a controller, Label should be blank and "Camera Adjust" should be set to
o change the parameters, enter into OSD menu.
between two preset positions at
programmed speeds. When a swing function runs, the camera moves from the preset
assigned as the 1st point to the preset assigned as the 2nd point in CW(Clockwise) direction.
the 2nd point to the preset assigned as
In case that the preset assigned as the 1st point and the preset assigned as the 2nd point are
ction and then it turns back
(Counterclockwise) direction. The Swing speed is defined from
ex) Run Swing 3 : <Run Pattern> [13]
ex) Run Swing 3 : <Go Preset> [143]