Rev. A
To Disassemble Valve
1. Remove valve plug VC4130 by unscrewing from valve housing. Remove spring
VH0539 and valve assembly.
2. Hold valve stem VC4123 with pliers on the small diameter area to avoid marring stem.
Unscrew flex nut VH0533 and remove washer VH0534 and VC4131 valve stem seal.
To Reassemble Valve
1. Push valve steam seal VC4131 onto valve stem followed by the washer VH0534.
2. Hold valve stem VC4123 with pliers on small diameter to avoid marring stem. Screw
flex nut VH0533 onto valve stem VC4123.
Do not over tighten to point of deforming
the seal!
Seal should be able to turn with effort on valve stem.
3. Insert valve stem assembly into valve housing VC4126.
4. Place spring VH0539 onto end of the valve stem assembly.
5. Replace valve plug VC4130 by screwing into valve housing VC4126 and tighten.
To Disassemble Driver Assembly
1. Remove valve housing VC4126 by unscrewing from body of tool.
2. Remove cylinder sleeve VC4105 by pulling upwards and out of body.
3. Remove piston driver assembly by pulling upwards and out of body.
4. Unscrew lower piston VC4107 from upper piston VC4108 using two wrenches as