Jan 2012
T190 Iss.2
Page 27 of 38
8. High temperature sterilisation
Risk of damage to unit.
The Touch 190S is not intended to be used as an autoclave and must not be
used for sterilising any other equipment.
Only the shelves, racking and water tray can be left inside the incubator during
Risk of injury. Risk of burning. Internal surfaces reach 200°C
The Touch 190S incubator is equipped with a high temperature sterilisation function. This raises the
chamber temperature to 200°C for 2 hours.
Independent evaluation has shown this to be effective against all spores and bacteria commonly associated
with laboratory incubator contamination.
Make sure that you have entered a user name and password as shown in
Section 6.6.1
Empty and dry the water tray. This can be placed back inside the incubator.
Clear any samples or equipment from the shelves.
The shelves and racking can be left in place during the sterilisation cycle.
Starting the cycle
Press and hold the sterilise button for 5 seconds:
The first sterilise cycle check list opens:
Automatically carried out by controller.