Picture 5.2 Dropping the spinnaker.
The spinnaker can “bunch up” when entering the chute, and this can be
minimised by keeping some restriction on the sheet and thus stopping
the clew getting sucked in with the main body of the spinnaker.
When the spinnaker is fully lowered it is always worth tidying the sheets and
halyard to keep the cockpit area sorted.
5.7 Reefing.
Reefing is an effective and essential way to continue sailing in winds that
would otherwise keep the less experienced or younger sailors ashore.
Reefing the mainsail is best done by both the helm and crew as a team. Work
on the starboard side of the sail. With both the tack and clew (bottom corners)
of the sail detached from the boom and mast, the sail should be rolled around
itself from the base upwards. Roll fairly tightly and then when the zips come
around to meet each other, zip up the roll, to keep it tidy and confined (see
picture 5.3). The new slug slider may then be attached to the boom, and the
sail re-hoisted.