Stepping the mast single-handed.
1. Ensure the mast step area is free from any blocks or rope.
2. Ensure the tack line for the spinnaker pole stays on the starboard side
of the mast.
3. Stand the mast upright, putting the base of it against something to stop
the mast sliding as you lift it.
4. Carry the upright mast to the side of the boat.
5. Pick up the mast, lift it over the gunwale of the boat and lower it onto
the mast step (see picture 4.5).
6. Rock the mast forward into the mast gate. Now the mast is in the mast
gate it is supported side to side and forwards, all you have to do is stop
it falling back.
7. Untangle the forestay and pull it forwards to the tack bar and tie it off to
the small eye on the port side (see picture 4.6).
Picture 4.5 Stepping the mast single-handed.