7.2 Interface functions
Interface functions such as read and write commands make it possible to
read out the current operating parameters of constant temperature equip-
ment and predefine specific settings and process values.
The interface functions supported by this interface are presented briefly
below. They are sorted by topic according to the component affected and
assigned a unique ID. Depending on the technical configuration of your
constant temperature equipment, the number and scope of the interface
functions actually available may vary from the list shown here, see chapter
"Availability of the interface functions".
7.2.1 General Information
Communication takes place according to the master/slave principle. In order
to ensure that a request and response are uniquely assigned to one another,
commands can only be sent to the constant temperature equipment once a
response to the previous command has been received.
All available read and write commands as well as the meaning of any error
messages that may occur are presented below. Note the following informa-
tion relating to syntax and sequencing when using these commands:
Numerical values are provided in fixed point format; numbers with up to
4 places in front of the decimal point and up to 2 places after the decimal
point are permitted:
Table 4: Acceptable data formats
Error messages are output with the syntax "ERR_X":
ERR = Identification as an error message
X = Error number (whole number without leading zero, maximum of
4 digits)
Space " " and underscore "_" can be used synonymously.
The interface operates with 1 stop bit, 8 data bits and no parity bits.
4 transmission speeds are available for selection: 2400, 4800, 9600 or
19200 baud. 9600 baud is the factory preset.
Commands from an external source must always end with CR, CRLF or
LFCR. The response from the constant temperature equipment always
ends with CRLF. Meaning of the abbreviations:
CR = Carriage Return, (Hex: 0D)
LF = Line Feed, (Hex: 0A)
In order to ensure that a request and response are uniquely assigned
to one another, commands can only be sent to the constant tem-
perature equipment once a response to the previous command has been
RS 232 protocol
Interface module LRZ 913
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