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Color monitor MVC-8151
UTP+TERMINATOR – set the jumper in this position if the video signal is sent symme-
trically with the UTP cable and the monitor is located at the end of the video bus or is the
only line load. In this position the line is loaded with a 100R resistor.
Adjusting the monitor
The regulations available to the user are described in point 3 of this instruction.
In special cases you can adjust the audio signal using the following potentiometers available
on the back of the monitor:
• BAL1 – correction of the level (volume) of the signal coming from the external panel
MIC1 – correction of the level (volume) of the signal coming out to the external panel
• BAL2 – correction of the level (volume) of the signal coming from the floor panel
• MIC2 – correction of the level (volume) of the signal coming out to the floor panel
7. Operation of the „installation procedure” (requires activation in the CD-
2502/3100 system)
The procedure makes it easier to activate the door entry system. After starting the installa-
tion procedure you can set in the monitor the number of rings and the tone and volume of
the call (these are individual settings for each apartment number). Then the electronic mo-
dule automatically establishes connection with the handset or monitor in which the procedu-
re was activated, giving the installer the ability to check the device.
Turn on the preview from the CD door phone camera (one touch of the PREVIEW key) and
press the CONVERSATION button four times. The LED1 and LED2 light up at the same
Press the LOCK button once. The electronic module will start looking for the monitor
number in which the installation procedure was activated.
• After finding the monitor the monitor number will be demonstrate using the acoustic si
gnals (three digits corresponding to the number of hundreds, tens and units, similar to po
int 6). A longer break means moving to the next number, a longer sound means that the
number is zero.
Select the call tone by pressing the LOCK button sequentially.
Set the call volume in the door entry system using the CONVERSATION button (do not
confuse with the volume setting directly in the monitor, see point 3). There are three vo
lume levels (loud, moderate, quiet) and a increasing signal (three short beeps).
• The selected settings must be confirmed by long-pressing the CONVERSATION button.
After a moment the electronic module will call the monitor in which the installation pro-
cedure was activated. Press the CONVERSATION button to get a connection. The instal-