ATR 90
Thank you very much that you have just purchased our product, the trencher TR60 HC. Our
company has been engaged in production of machines and equipment for many years and
has gained considerable experiences in this field. Quality of our machines is proven in 22
countries of Europe and Asia we export to.
This manual brings important instructions for users, i.e. instructions for putting the machine
into operation, work safety and operating experiences. You will learn how to carry out
maintenance, repairs and service and who is authorised for doing checks and other actions on
the machine.
Your local dealer will give you this manual with instructions for operation and maintenance
while taking this new machine over. Make sure if you understand everything. If not, do not
hesitate and contact your dealer and ask him for explanation. It is very important for you and
your work safety to understand all instructions given in this manual.
The firm Laski spol. s r.o. does not bear any responsibility for any claims resulting from
disobedience to the instructions given in this manual.
This operation manual includes also work safety instructions in various parts of the text. If
there is any work safety rule or instruction in general description, then this instruction is
indicated with the following symbol: