8. Rigging the Outhaul
Laser Standard Models
Rigging the Outhaul
Laser Race Models
. Locate the outhaul line from the deliv-
ery kit line bag. Tie a bowline with the
outhaul line to the fairlead located at the
end of the boom (fi gure 31).
. Lead the line through the grommet in
the clew of the sail and then back through
the fairlead (fi gure 32).
. Lead the line forward along the boom
and cleat off at the clam cleat on the top of
the boom (fi gure 33). Tie a bowline in the
free end of the line (fi gure 34).
9. Rigging the Clew Tie Down
Laser Standard Models
1. Locate the clew tie down line from the
delivery kit line bag.
2. Wrap the clew tie down line through
the clew grommet and around the boom
two times (fi gure 35) and secure it with a
square knot (fi gure 36). Be sure that the
line runs on the inside of the outhaul.
: Th e clew tie down should hold the clew of the
sail close to the boom yet it should still be able to
slide forward and aft when adjusting the outhaul.
fi gure 35 | outhaul
.Check the items in the pack and lay them on
the deck (fi gure 37).
. Dead end a pulley block to the longer grey
line (Spec 12) (fi gure 38).
. Measure 9 inches/23 cm from the end of the
pulley block and tie a bowline loop, with the
grey line, around the boom. Make sure you
can get two fi ngers between the boom and the
loop (fi gure 39).
. Take the non-pulley end of the grey line
and thread it through the outhaul end fi tting
on the boom (fi gure 40).
. Pass the same end through the pulley hook
block (fi gure 41).
. Take it back to the outhaul boom end fi t-
ting and dead end it to this (fi gure 42 & 43).
. Now dead end the pink line to the outhaul
cleat (fi gure 44).
. Take the other end of the pink line and
thread it through the pulley which is
attached to the grey line (fi gure 45).
. Th
is is how it should look. Once you have
done this you will not have do it again as it
is left on the boom permanently (fi gure 46).
. Now attach a pulley to the bottom sec-
tion. Put the mast with the sail into the mast
hole, take the short pink line and thread one
end through the small hole in the gooseneck
(fi gure 47). Take both ends of the pink line
and thread them through the top of a pulley
block (fi gure 48). Now separate both ends and
take them around the back of the mast and tie
them together with a reef knot (fi gure 49).
. Make sure the pulley sits at the bottom of
the gooseneck fi tting (fi gure 50). Th
is fi tting
can be left on permanantly and the line is
taped on so that the ends of the rope are kept
tidy and out of the way (fi gure 51).
fi gure 37
fi gure 39
fi gure 41
fi gure 45
fi gure 46
fi gure 44
fi gure 47
fi gure 50
fi gure 51
fi gure 48
fi gure 49
fi gure 42
fi gure 43
fi gure 38
fi gure 40
fi gure 31
fi gure 33
fi gure 32 | grommet, clew
fi gure 34
fi gure 36
Fogh Marine | 416 251-0384 | www.foghmarine.com | [email protected]