e Laser is a very unique boat that can accommodate
many diff erent sized sailors and abilities, due to its three
interchangeable rigs. Th
e Laser, the Radial and the
4.7 all use the same hull and equipment with the
exception of the lower mast and sail.
We suggest that you read through this guide to better
familiarize yourself with the parts and rigging of your
new boat. If you have any questions please contact your
dealer or call LaserPerformance Customer Service.
is is a comprehensive rigging guide for the Standard
and Race confi gured Laser. If you have a Laser XD, please
refer to the included XD instructions in your XD kit for
instructions on XD specifi c components and rigging.
Please note that in our eff ort for continuous improvement
the exact color and spec of Laser parts may vary from those
in the below images.
Depending on which Laser you have selected (Laser, Radial or Laser 4.7)
you will have one of the following sails and corresponding lower masts
located in your delivery kit.
Locate your delivery kit. Depending on which model you
have purchased (Standard, Race or XD) there will be a
few diff erences in some of the hardware. Th
e diff erences
between the three models are the cunningham, outhaul,
vang and tiller extension. Using images 1 or 2 on the
following pages, identify the contents of your kit. To avoid
damaging the contents, be sure not to cut into the
packaging inside the box.
Above from left to right: Laser lower
mast, Radial lower mast, and Laser
4.7 lower mast.
From left to right: Laser sail, Radial sail, Laser
4.7 Sail. New Race and XD models come with a
rolled sail
Your boat rigged will resemble one of the lasers shown above.
From left to right: Laser, Radial, and Laser 4.7.
Congratulations on
the purchase of your
new Laser!
Fogh Marine | 416 251-0384 | www.foghmarine.com | [email protected]