4. Hardware Installation
Laser Standard Models
. In the delivery kit locate the bullseye
fairlead and the clam cleat. Unscrew the two
screws located by the mast step (fi gure 3).
Align the bullseye fairlead over the two holes
and screw into place (fi gure 4).
Before replacing the screws be sure to dip
them into a silicon based sealant to allow for a water
tight and secure fi t.
. Unscrew the set of screws located in front
of the daggerboard well. Align the holes of
the cam cleat and screw into place (fi gure 5).
Be sure that the open end of the cleat is facing
towards the cockpit (fi gure 6).
Before replacing the screws be sure to dip
them into a silicon based sealant to allow for a water-
tight and secure fi t.
. Locate the ratchet block and spring from
the delivery kit. In the cockpit, at the forward
end of the hiking strap, locate the eyestrap
(fi gure 7).
. Remove the shackle from the bottom of the
ratchet block and place it around the eyestrap
(fi gure 7).
. Place the spring over the eyestrap, and
compress. While the spring is compressed,
attach the block to the shackle with the pin
and ring (fi gure 8).
To assist in keeping the spring
compressed while attaching the block
to the shackle, try compressing the
spring and tie with string or zip-tie.
Place the tied spring over the eyestrap
and attach the block. Th
en untie the
string/cut zip-tie to release the spring.
3. Hardware Location
ere are a few pieces of hardware that you
will need to install on your new hull before
continuing to rig your Laser. Locate the two
sets of screws that are positioned on the deck
of the boat (fi gure a, far right image). One set
of screws will be forward of the daggerboard
well (fi gure 1) while the other set will be aft of
the mast step (fi gure 2).
: Before replacing the screws be sure to dip them into
a silicon based sealant to allow for a water-tight and
secure fi t.
bow eye
mast step
daggerboard well
ratchet block eyestrap
hiking strap
clam cleat
Figure A
fi gure 9
fi gure 10
fi gure 11
fi gure 12
fi gure 13
fi gure 14
Hardware Installation
Laser Race Models
e new deck fi ttings can be retro-fi tted on
all boats without any structural changes.
(fi gure 9). First take out the screws on the
cunningham cleat and the downhaul eye.
(fi gure 10, 11 & 12).
Before replacing the screws be sure to dip
them into a silicon based sealant to allow for a water-
tight and secure fi t.
. Place the fi ttings over the existing screw
holes and screw tight. (Figure 13 & 14).
. Locate the ratchet block and spring from
the delivery kit. In the cockpit, at the forward
end of the hiking strap, locate the eyestrap.
. Remove the shackle from the bottom of the
ratchet block and place it around the eyestrap
(fi gure 15).
. Place the spring over the eyestrap and com-
press. While the spring is compressed,attach
the block to the shackle with the pin and ring
(fi gure 16).
To assist in keeping the spring
compressed while attaching the block
to the shackle, try compressing the
spring and tie with string or zip-tie.
Place the tied spring over the eyestrap
and attach the block. Th
en untie the
string/cut zip-tie to release the spring.
fi gure 1 | daggerboard well
fi gure 2 | mast step
fi gure 3
fi gure 4
fi gure 5
fi gure 6 | open end
fi gure 7
fi gure 8
Here is a list of tools that
we recommend you have
in order to assemble your
new Laser…
• phillips head screwdriver
• silicone sealant
• white electrical tape
• utility knife
fi gure 15
fi gure 16
Fogh Marine | 416 251-0384 | www.foghmarine.com | [email protected]