Getting Started
UDS-10 User Guide
2.6 Serial Port Login
If you want to initially configure the unit through a serial connection, follow these steps:
1. Connect a console terminal or PC running a terminal emulation program to your unit's
serial port. The default serial port settings are 9600 baud, 8 bits, no parity, 1 stop bit, no
flow control.
2. To enter Setup Mode, cycle the unit's power (power off and back on). After power-up,
the self-test begins and the red Diagnostic LED starts blinking.
You have one second
enter three lowercase x characters.
The easiest way to enter Setup Mode is to hold down the
key at the terminal (or
emulation) while powering up the unit.
3. At this point, the screen display is the same as when you use a Telnet connection. To
continue with a serial port login, go to
Using a Telnet Connection
on page 3-10.