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DE-01728 Bannewitz
[email protected]
7 Technical parameters
7.1 Near-field probes
RF-R 3-2
The near-field probe is designed to
achieve nearly punctiform detection of HF
magnetic fields. The size of the probe enables the
resolution of magnetic field distribution within
millimetres. Field orientation and distribution can
be detected by moving the probe across larger
areas or partially between conducting paths,
within IC pin areas, bypass capacitors, EMC
components, etc.
Frequency: 30 MHz to 3 GHz
Resolution: approx. 1 mm
RF-U 2.5-2
The near-field probe is designed for
selective detection of the current spectrum in
singular small conducting paths and component
connections, capacitors, IC pins. The probe head
contains a magnetically active curb with a width of
approx. 0.5 mm. To achieve measurement the
probe with the curb is positioned on conducting
paths, IC or capacitor connections.
Frequency: 30 MHz to 3 GHz
Resolution: approx. 0.5 mm
RF-R 400-1
On account of its large diameter
(25 mm) the near-field probe is the most sensitive
and therefore has the lowest resolution. The
probe can be used up to a distance of 10 cm from
units. The detected field distribution enables the
localisation of RF magnetic field sources and
deduction with regards to interference.
Frequency: 30 MHz to 3 GHz
Diameter (Ø): approx. 25 mm
RF-R 50-1
The near-field probe has a higher
resolution and a lower sensitivity than the R 400-
1. It is suitable for measurements up to 3 cm.
Interference sources can be localized by
detecting the distribution and orientation of the
field, therefore enabling a more exact use of
higher resolution probes (RF 1 set).
Frequency: 30 MHz to 3 GHz
Diameter (Ø): approx. 10 mm