Preventative Maintenance
Check to see that water pump is properly lubricated.
Follow winterizing instructions to prevent freeze
damage to pump and coils.
Always neutralize and flush detergent from
system after use.
If water is known to be high in mineral content,
use a water softener on your water system, or
de-scale as needed.
Do not allow acidic, caustic or abrasive fluids to
be pumped through system.
Always use high grade quality cleaning
Never run pump dry for extended periods of
Use clean diesel fuel. Clean or replace fuel filter
every 100 hours of operation. Avoid water con-
taminated fuel as it will damage the fuel pump.
If machine is operated with smoky or eye
burning exhaust, coils soot up and prevent
water from reaching maximum operating tem-
perature. (See section on Burner Adjustments.)
Never allow water to be sprayed on or near the
engine or burner assembly or any electrical
Periodically descale coils per instructions.
Check to see that engine is properly lubricated.
It is advisable, periodically, to visually inspect the
burner. Check air inlet to make sure it is not clogged or
blocked. Wipe off any oil spills and keep this equipment
clean and dry.
The flow of combustion and ventilating air to the burner
must not be blocked or obstructed in any manner.
The area around the pressure washer should be kept
clean and free of combustible materials, gasoline and
other flammable vapors and liquids.
Unloader Valves
Unloader valves are preset and tested at the factory
before shipping. Tampering with the factory setting may
cause personal injury and/or property damage, and will
void the manufacturer's warranty.
Winterizing Procedure
Damage due to freezing is not covered by warranty.
Adhere to the following cold weather procedures
whenever the washer must be stored or operated
outdoors under freezing conditions.
Trailer Winterization
To protect your machine from severe damage
caused by water freezing inside the components, it
is important to winterize it whenever it is subjected
to freezing temperatures.
The best way to protect the system is to keep it out
of the cold. Barring that, the next best way is to
flush the system with antifreeze. To do so, follow
these steps to properly operate the anti-freeze
protection system. This system is designed to
protect your equipment during cold weather condi-
tions of 32°F or below. Your ECOS trailer comes
with a factory installed winterization system.
Be sure to wear safety glasses and gloves when
winterizing system.
Inner And Outer Water Tanks
After operation, turn engine off, drain all yellow
tanks by removing debris filter cap located
behind control panel and turn both tank valves
to the open position. If there is still water in the
tank, lower the front end of the trailer with the
jack to completely drain the tanks. Use a wet-
dry vacuum to suck the remaining water from
the drain ports at the bottom of the tanks.
Once tanks are drained, replace debris filter
cap and turn both tank valves to the off position.
Coil and High Pressure Hose
Relieve any pressure in wand and hose. Close
both tank valves located in the control cabinet.
Keep gun and wand attached to high pressure
hose and remove high pressure nozzle.
Pour a minimum of a 5 gallons of environmen-
tally safe antifreeze mixture into two 5 gallon
buckets. (Determine what is the best mix ratio
for your environment).
Remove the plug on the antifreeze inlet line
located in the control panel cabinet. Place open
line into antifreeze mixture. Have a second 5
gallon bucket ready to collect antifreeze
recycling through system.
While holding open the gun trigger, start the
engine to draw the antifreeze solution into the
system. Keep the gun open. Once antifreeze
can be seen coming out of the wand, release
the gun trigger and allow the system to run in
bypass for 15 seconds. While in bypass, switch
the bypass valve on the control panel to the
other tank and continue to run in bypass for
another 15 seconds. Turn the key to the OFF
Landa ECOS 7000 Operator’s Manual 9.801-316.0 - G