Chapter 3: Basic configuration
Network with DHCP server
If a DHCP server is active in the LAN to assign IP addresses, an unconfigured
LANCOM device will turn off its own DHCP server. It will change into DHCP
client mode and will obtain an IP address from the DHCP server of the LAN.
This IP address is not known at first. The accessibility of the device depends
on the name resolution:
If there is a DNS server for name resolution in the LAN, which inter-
changes the assignment of IP addresses to names with the DHCP server,
then the device can be accessed by the name “LANCOM <MAC address>”
(e.g. “LANCOM-00a057xxxxxx”).
The MAC address can be found on a label at the bottom of the device.
If there is no DNS server in the LAN, or it is not linked to the DHCP server,
then the device can not be reached by the name. The following options
remain in this case:
Figure out the DHCP-assigned IP address of the LANCOM by suitable
tools and contact the device directly with this IP address.
Use LANconfig.
Connect a PC with a terminal program via the serial configuration
interface to the device.
Starting the wizards in WEBconfig
Start your web browser (e.g. Internet Explorer, Netscape Navigator,
Opera) and call the LANCOM Router there:
http://<IP address of the LANCOM>
(or with a name as discribed above)
If you cannot access an unconfigured LANCOM Router, the problem
may be due to the netmask of the LAN: with less than 254 possible
hosts (netmask > ''), please ensure that the IP address
'x.x.x.254' is located in your own subnet.