Once the setup is complete, you can do your measurement
by clicking on “Start” (see section
When your measurement is complete, it is recommended to remove the cylinder from the
viscometer shaft. It will rest in the tube. Rise the measuring head to the highest position by
blocking the stem with the screw provided (see section 1.2). Then remove the tube containing
the product and the cylinder, being careful if the temperature is high. You can then remove the
cylinder from the tube to clean it. Remove the cap from the tube to clean it. Clean the
temperature sensor.
3.3.2. Use of Item 116031
The measuring head must first be installed on the heating unit (see installation instructions
supplied with the temperature control).
The first step is to place the screw on the centring piece and then install the latter on the base
of the viscometer.
The screw locks the centring piece on the base of the viscometer.
You can then set up the cylinder on the bayonet coupling of the viscometer (see section 3.1).