Продажа, ремонт, сервис и запчасти котлов и горелок Lamborghini
Москва,ул.НародногоОполчения,д. 34,стр. 3 (499) 519-03-79, моб. (903) 615-82-73 [email protected]
Minimum gas pressure pressure switch
The gas minimum pressure pressure switch prevents burner start-up of stops it if it is functioning. If the gas pres
sure is not the minimum envisioned, it must be calibrated at 40% lower than the value of the gas pressure, which
functions with maximum flow rate.
DG40VC type
Range of calibration 5-40 mbar
Remove the transparent lid and act
on the regulation disc (A)
2 NO
1 NC
GW50A5 type
Range of calibration 5-50 mbar
Remove the transparent lid and act
on the regulation disc (A)
Adjust gas pressure leak test
The gas pressure control must be set at about 2 / 3 of the inlet gas pressure.
DG40VC type - Range of calibration 5-40 mbar
GW50A5 type - Range of calibration 5-50 mbar
Air pressure switch regulation
The air pressure switch has the task of putting the burner into safety or block conditions if the combustion air pres
sure is missing. This will be calibrated lower than the air pressure value at the burner when this is at nominal flow
rate with 1st flame functioning, verifying that the value of CO does not exceed the value of 10.000 p.p.m.
LG W 3 A2 type
Range of calibration 0,4-3 mbar
2 NO
1 NC
Remove the transparent lid and act
on the regulation disc (A)
Electric circuit function
with pressure rising: 1 NC open, 2 NO close
with pressure dropping: 1 NC close, 2 NO open