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There may be situations where the user has to use a different USB flash drive for data logging. One example is the
data files need to read above ground, so the flash drive is replaced. If this were to happen the data log would be
separated onto multiple files. This could make comparing charge cycles difficult. This page will show you how to
recombine these multiple log files into one single file with all charge cycles.
The example below shows the procedure using
Excel 2003. All other spreadsheet software offers this
same functionality, however the procedure may vary slightly
The separate files would all have the same name, just on different flash drives. If possible open both files directly
from the flash drives, otherwise copy only one of them to the desktop and run the other from the flash drive.
Looking at the images below we will be adding charge cycles 4-6 that are on one flash drive, to the rest of the data
log on another flash drive. Check to see how many charge cycles you will be adding. In this example we will be
adding four cycles between charge cycle 2 and charge cycle 7.
Select the area under charge cycle 2 as shown above. Notice that we are selecting
four rows tall and enough columns wide to cover all of the data headings. Right click
the selected area and click insert.
An “Insert” dialog box will pop up asking what to do with the existing cells. Select
shift cells down and press the OK button. This will insert empty cells in the area we
selected and will shift the existing data down.
Now we will go over to the other log file that is open. We need to select all of the cells that are related to charge
cycles 3-6 as shown below. Right click the selected are and click Copy.
After the selection has been copied we need to go back to the first data file. We want the copied data to take the
place of the blank cells we created. Select the cell directly under charge cycle 2 and paste the data by right clicking
the cell and selecting paste.