Lake Shore Model 332 Temperature Controller User’s Manual
absolute zero
. The temperature of –273.16 °C, or –459.69 °F, or 0 K, thought to be the temperature at which molecular
motion vanishes and a body would have no heat energy.
. The degree of correctness with which a measured value agrees with the true value.
electronic accuracy
. The accuracy of an instrument independent of the sensor.
sensor accuracy
. The accuracy of a temperature sensor and its associated calibration or its ability to match a standard
. An aluminum-nickel alloy which comprises the negative lead of a Type K thermocouple.
American Standard Code for Information Exchange (ACSII)
. A standard code used in data transmission, in which
128 numerals, letters, symbols, and special control codes are represented by a 7-bit binary number as follows:
American Wire Gage (AWG)
. Wiring sizes are defined as diameters in inches and millimeters as follows:
Dia. In.
Dia. mm
Dia. In.
Dia. mm
Dia. In.
Dia. mm
Dia. In.
Dia. mm
1 0.2893 7.348
11 0.0907 2.304
21 0.0285 0.7230 31 0.0089 0.2268
2 0.2576 6.544
12 0.0808 2.053
22 0.0253 0.6438 32 0.0080 0.2019
3 0.2294 5.827
13 0.0720 1.829
23 0.0226 0.5733 33 0.00708 0.178
4 0.2043 5.189
14 0.0641 1.628
24 0.0207 0.5106 34 0.00630 0.152
5 0.1819 4.621
15 0.0571 1.450
25 0.0179 0.4547 35 0.00561 0.138
6 0.1620 4.115
16 0.0508 1.291
26 0.0159 0.4049 36 0.00500 0.127
7 0.1443 3.665
17 0.0453 1.150
27 0.0142 0.3606 37 0.00445 0.1131
8 0.1285 3.264
18 0.0403 1.024
28 0.0126 0.3211 38 0.00397 0.1007
9 0.1144 2.906
19 0.0359 0.9116 29 0.0113 0.2859 39 0.00353 0.08969
10 0.1019 2.588
20 0.0338 0.8118 30 0.0100 0.2546 40 0.00314 0.07987
ambient temperature
. The temperature of the surrounding medium, such as gas or liquid, which comes into contact with
the apparatus.
. The constant current that, if maintained in two straight parallel conductors of infinite length, of negligible
circular cross section, and placed one meter apart in a vacuum, would produce between these conductors a force equal
to 2 × 10
newton per meter of length.
This is one of the base units of the SI.
. A MKS unit of magnetomotive force equal to the magnetomotive force around a path linking one turn of a
conducting loop carrying a current of one ampere; or 1.26 gilberts.
ampere/meter (A/m)
. The SI unit for magnetic field strength (H). 1 ampere/meter = 4
/1000 oersted
0.01257 oersted.
analog controller
. A feedback control system where there is an unbroken path of analog processing between the
feedback device (sensor) and control actuator (heater).
analog data
. Data represented in a continuous form, as contrasted with digital data having discrete values.
analog output
. A voltage output from an instrument that is proportional to its input. For example, from a digital voltmeter,
the output voltage is generated by a digital-to-analog converter so it has a discrete number of voltage levels.
. The terminal that is positive with respect to the other terminal when the diode is biased in the forward direction.
asphyxiant gas
. A gas which has little or no positive toxic effect but which can bring about unconsciousness and death
by displacing air and thus depriving an organism of oxygen.
Glossary of Terminology