MeasureReady™ M81 Synchronous Source Measure System Quick Start Guide
The absolute accuracy of DC plus the detection
sensitivity of lock-in instrumentation
All source and measure channels are capable of
DC to 100 kHz signals
Optimized for fundamental, harmonic, and
phase measurements of AC combined with DC
biased signals
Modularity allows for flexible, user-configured
modules to suit a specific application
Unique, flexible instrument with distributed module
Remote-mountable modules are
interchangeable between instruments
Modules are dynamically recognized when the
system is reconfigured
Uses a clean, simple UI and a common
programming API for fast setup and a shorter
learning curve
Components of the M81-SSM
Connect up to three source modules and up to three
measure modules
Exchange modules and adapt the configuration for
each measurement
All modules are capable of measuring with DC and
AC to 100 kHz
All modules are optimized for highest precision with
common amplitude and frequency references