MeasureReady™ M81 Synchronous Source Measure System Quick Start Guide
In AC mode, the display can be configured to show
either Total RMS and DC indications, or Peak to Peak
and +Peak, -Peak indications. Tap the Action icon in the
upper right hand corner of the screen to change what is
Total RMS:
the total power of the input signal,
including AC and DC components within the
observation time
DC: the DC level of the input signal
+Peak: the highest input level detected during
the observation time
-Peak: the lowest input level detected during the
observation time
Peak to Peak: the span between the highest
and lowest input levels detected during the
observation time
Observation time
The observation time is specified in Number of Power
Line Cycles (NPLC). Note that the M81 detects the power
line frequency in your country. For example if your power
line frequency is 60 Hz, setting an averaging time of 30
NPLC would mean an averaging time of 0.5 s. For best
rejection of line-related interference, an integer number
of NPLC should be selected.
Lock-in mode
In lock-in mode, the MeasureReady™ M81-SSM will detect
signals which are coherent with the configured reference