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Enable PoP
Choose whether to enable the paint side layout, if not enabled, all
the layouts of the draw side type will not be displayed.
Enable PiP
Choose whether to enable the PiP layout. If not enabled, all PIP-
type layouts will not be displayed.
Enable Side by Side
Choose whether to enable equal size layouts. If not enabled, all
layouts of the same size type will not be displayed.
Layout when idle with
Select the layout when there is an auxiliary stream state, and the
terminal will automatically switch to the layout when it enters this
Layout when meeting
without presention
Select the layout when the conference has no auxiliary stream state,
and the terminal will automatically switch to the layout when it enters
this state.
Layout when meeting with
Select the layout when the conference has the auxiliary stream state,
and the terminal will automatically switch to the layout when entering
the state.
embedded MCU meeting
When the built-in multi-point no-auxiliary state is selected, the
terminal will automatically switch to the layout when it enters this
Layout when host
embedded MCU meeting
with presentation
Select the layout when the built-in multipoint has the auxiliary stream
state, and the terminal will automatically switch to the layout when it
enters this state.
In addition to pre-configuring the layout, you can also switch layouts in a
meeting in two ways:
Method 1
Switch the HDMI-1/SDI screen layout by pressing the display button
on the
remote control.
Method 2
HDMI-1/SDI and HDMI-2 screens can be selected by selecting "Control > Video
Layout" on the GUI main interface.
8.6 Security
To prevent the loss and tampering of data content during communication, you can set
up encryption for communications.