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Enable Line In right channel
Enable right channel capture for linear input Default: Enable
Mute Line In when not
transmitting presentation
When this option is enabled, the linear input
is automatically muted when the dual stream
is not sent; when the dual stream is sent, the
linear input is automatically sent to the far
end and simultaneously output from the local.
Default: Disable
Set Mic Power On
Choose whether to turn on the microphone
Default: Enable
8.4.2 Audio Output
Step 1
Enter the GUI main interface, select “Settings > Audio > Audio Output".
Step 2
Configure audio output parameter information. The parameter description is
shown in the following table.
Step 3
Select “Save”, save configuration information.
Step 4
Audio output digital gain Adjust the audio output digital gain.
Default: 10
Show advanced settings Enable or disable show advanced settings.
Default: Disable
Enable HDMI-1 audio out
When the HDMI-1 audio output is enabled and
the rear panel HDMI-OUT1 is connected to the
TV, you can hear the far-end audio output from
the TV.
Default: Enable
Enable Line Out
After the linear output is enabled and the “AUDIO
OUT” connector on the rear panel of the terminal
is properly connected to the speaker, you can
hear the far end sound from the speaker.
Default: Enable
Enable tone
Enable or disable the output ring tone. When
enabled, you can hear the ring tone of the far end
from the local.
Default: Enable