Cloning LaCie Rugged BOSS SSD
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Newer versions of the LaCie BOSS app include the clone feature. You can review step-by-step instructions
and clone details in Settings > Clone Rugged BOSS SSD.
The clone feature provides a simple way to back up content stored on your Rugged BOSS SSD. A clone is
ideal if the space on Rugged BOSS SSD is running low or you prefer to keep your media on several storage
devices for protection. The first time it is run, a clone backs up all files stored on Rugged BOSS SSD to
another storage device. Subsequent clones to the same storage device only back up new files added to
Rugged BOSS SSD. Connecting a different storage device for cloning will initiate a full backup.
Rules for cloning
Cloning Rugged BOSS SSD requires ample storage space and demands a good amount of power. Review the
following rules for cloning to get started:
The target storage device must have available capacity greater than Rugged BOSS SSD. It cannot be equal
to or less than Rugged BOSS SSD. For example, if your Rugged BOSS SSD has 1TB of storage, the storage
device must be greater than 1TB.
The target storage device must be connected to Rugged BOSS SSD’s USB Type A port. The USB-C port
on Rugged BOSS SSD is only for computer connections and cannot be used for cloning.
Rugged BOSS SSD must be connected to its power supply and the power supply must be connected to
an active outlet. Cloning can take time which will drain the battery. Therefore, the power supply must be
connected to launch a clone.
You must use the LaCie BOSS app to initiate the first clone. Subsequent clones to the same storage
device can be initiated via the hardware button on Rugged BOSS SSD. Even though the LCD prompt
shows "Copy?", Rugged BOSS SSD recalls if a drive has been assigned as a clone target. Applying a short
press to agree to the prompt will initiate a clone if the connected drive is a clone drive.
Performing a clone
Note—When cloning large amounts of data, Rugged BOSS SSD can become hot due to longer
copy times. Always keep Rugged BOSS SSD in a cool environment when cloning.
LaCie Rugged BOSS SSD