LaCie 5big Network
User Manual
page 60
Question to Ask
The system
doesn’t appear on
the network.
By default the 5big Network is configured to retrieve its IP address from a DHCP server. If your network is managed
by a DHCP server and you cannot access your 5big Network, try checking your DHCP server’s log. To get the IP ad-
dress, run LaCie Network Assistant, which is located on the LaCie Storage Utilities CD-ROM. If your network is NOT
managed by a DHCP server, the 5big Network uses its default IP address, which is 192.168.xx.100. To change this
IP address, use LaCie Network Assistant.
Is the IP address properly set?
For more information, please see section
3.1. Accessing Shared Folders
Is your network DHCP enabled?
If your network is DHCP enabled, please refer to sections
2.3. Connecting
Using LaCie Network Assistant
. If your network is not DHCP enabled, you
will need to manually configure the address; please see section
2.4. Con-
figuring the LaCie 5big Network on a Network Without a DHCP Server
Are you using AppleTalk under Mac
OS 9.x?
If you are using AppleTalk under Mac OS 9.x, ensure that the LaCie 5big
Network and the other clients on the network are in the same AppleTalk
A user does not
have access to
the LaCie 5big
Has the administrator created an ac-
count for the user?
In order for a another user to access the LaCie 5big Network, two condi-
tions must be met: 1) the administrator must create and register a user
with the appropriate privileges; 2) the LaCie 5big Network must be con-
nected to the network via Ethernet for additional users to access the drive.