4. Attach the roof studs 11 between 33 and 34.
5. Slide the window support beam 15 onto the roof studs 11 that you included extra bolts in, with the predrilled
holes on the underside and the flat side facing the crown 33. Use the extra bolt to secure the beam 15 loosely in
place. It will need adjustment when installing the window.
6. Slide the top edge of the top window frame 31 into the slot at the top of the crown 33 as shown in the picture.
The window should be aligned with the window brace 46 at the bottom. Slide the window into place over one
window support beam 15. Gradually lower it into place.
7. Loosen the nuts 48 holding the window support beam 15 in place and slide the window support beam 15 up to
touch the window. Secure it into place.