Alarm settings
In the Alarm settings menu, you can change the following alarm settings:
Alarm buzzer: Off/On. If Off is selected, the buzzer will not sound upon an alarm.
Alarm repeat (24 h): Off/On. If On is selected, the alarm will be repeated 24 hours after a
reset, if the cause of the alarm has not been eliminated.
Alarm delay for sensors. Delay between sensor detection and the activation of the alarm
buzzer and relay. You can use seconds, minutes or hours for the setting.
Alarm reset button: Off/On. If Off is selected, the alarm cannot be reset by pressing the
reset button in the front panel of the control unit (i.e. the buzzer will keep sounding the
Figure 39. Alarm settings Relay settings
The following functions related to relays 1 and 2 can be set in the Relay settings menu:
Sensors connected to relays: Off/On.
Relay action in case of alarm and failure: Off/On.
Relay action in case of an inspection warning: Off/On.
Relay return when alarm is reset by pressing the reset button: No/Yes.
Installation and Operating Instructions | idOil-D30