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Using the RS-232 Receptacle
The operation of the Logic+ Biological Safety Cabinet (BSC) can be monitored using a
computer connected to the RS232 receptacle located on the top electrical box of the
Logic+. The computer monitors the Logic+’s operation, but cannot control the
operation of the Logic+.
Connection for Computer Interface
Check your computer to see which type of RS232 serial port is provided. Use one of the
two connecting cables listed below:
Computers with a 25-pin D-sub male serial connector should use Connect Cable,
Labconco part number 7537801, to connect a computer to the Logic+.
Computers with a 9-pin D-sub male serial connector should use Connect Cable,
Labconco part number 7537800, to connect a computer to the Logic+.
* Note – If your computer does not have an RS-232 serial port a USB to RS232 adapter
can be purchased at most computer stores, discount stores, etc. to allow the Logic+
cable to connect to a USB port on your computer.
The purpose of the RS232 interface is to send data to a data logging computer to
monitor the state and activity of the Logic+. This data is half duplex data. The data
properties are as follows:
Data Rate 2400 Baud
8 bit word length
1 Start bit, 1 Stop bit
No parity is transmitted
Standard ASCII character set
The time between data transmissions may be varied by the user to occur at 1, 10, 30 or
60 second intervals. Using the Logic+ control buttons and the menus on the color
display, set the data transmission time by pressing the “MENU” button, then select
“SETTINGS”, then select “RS-232 OUTPUT”. From this display screen the data
transmission intervals can be selected.
The format of the transmitted message with typical values is as follows: