tatic weighing means weighing an
ob ect whose weight is
ed during the
entire weighing.
The machine is not a weighing de ice
certi ed for legal weighing.
The weighing system is a precision de ice
that re uires a lot of caution in terms of
use cleaning and maintenance.
hould the main grid or tray be remo ed
ensure not to hit the load cells during the
disassembly and reassembly operations.
To proceed with the weighing of the lter
holder either empty or lled with coffee
powder place it as shown below
se only original a ar occo lters and
lter holders identi ed by the following
se only lter holders with double spout
o not place on the scale ob ects
weighing more than g
e er load more than g to pre ent
any damage to the scales
se the high precision scale with care
a oid shoc s falling ob ects and sudden
load pea s
ny ob ect to be weighed must be placed
correctly on the scales grid.
2) Cleaning
The cleaning of the indi idual grids
must be performed with care without
o erloading the cells
or proper weighing of the lter holder
ma e sure the grid is clean and dry
To a oid contact with dirt before placing
the lter holder clean and dry the grid
lease be careful during the cleaning
procedures to a oid the water dripping on
the scale and its electrical components
on t wash the scale indi idual grids in a
dishwasher wash them manually instead
then immediately dry them.
f you wash the grid under a strong
water flow remo e the magnetic support
highlighted in the gure ust pull to
detach the magnets . a e sure that the
magnets are always dry and clean.
To clean the drain tray you need to remo e
the indi idual grids part gure rst
then the drain grille part gure and
nally the tray part gure . a e
sure not to hit the load cells during the
disassembly and reassembly operations.