8. Mandatory Maintenance and Check-up Operations
eplace group gas ets
eplace diffuser screens
lean auto ll probe
hec acuum brea er for
proper operation
nspect water inlet al e
nspect drain system for lea s
or clogs
hec flow rate for each group
hec brew temperature
hec that brew pressure is
at bar
hec all switches for proper
hec note water hardness
ater uality must be within the
range of parameters speci ed
in the chapter on nstallation
otherwise warranty is oided
hec lter bas et condition
hec shot olumes
Test flowmeter s ohm alue
ohm alue is acceptable if
greater than . ohm and
less than . ohm
These operations are in addition to the aintenance and eriodic leaning perations as speci ed in hapter .
The following maintenance and chec up operations sould be carried out by a uali ed technician.
The time re uired for the periodic maintenance is determinated by the uantity of daily wor and or coffee consumption.
N.B. These periodic maintenance operations are not covered by warranty.
hec the condition of the inside of boilers and if necessary rinse out with a proper cleaning product allowed for food and be erage
EVERY YEAR (in addition to the above)
EVERY 3 YEARS (in addition to the above)
eplace porta lter bas ets
nspect group al e plungers
nspect acuum brea er
nspect e pansion al e
nspect electrical wiring
nspect boilers safety switches
nspect electrical wiring
eplace o er pressure al e
safety al e
ccurate control of the
tightness at
m of each
cable on the terminal bloc .