5) Water supply connection
n order to connect the machine up to
the water mains proceed according to the
indications gi en in the chapter about
nstallation and in compliance with any
local national safety standards of the
location in which the machine is being
To guarantee a correct and safe functioning
of the machine and to maintain an
ade uate performance le el and a high
uality of the be erages being brewed it
is important that the incoming water be
of a hardness greater than
d and less than
ppm d
p should be between . and . and
the uantity of chlorides be less than
mg l . especting these alues allows
the machine to operate at ma imum
ef ciency. f these parameters are not
present a speci c ltration de ice should
be installed while always adhering to the
local national standards in place regarding
potable water.
Then connect the inlet of the water lter
softener if present to the drin ing water
supply using one of the supplied stainless
steel braided hoses. efore connecting
the lter to the water pump flush the
water supply line and the ltration system
in order to eliminate any residual particles
which could otherwise get stuc in taps or
al es thus pre enting them from wor ing
onnect the water supply
connection of the espresso machine to
the water pump outlet using one of the
supplied stainless steel braided hoses.
Then connect the water pump inlet to the
water lter softener outlet if present .
The water pump is a differential
pressure olumetric pump and has been
designed to be used e clusi ely with cold
a e sure that water is always
present while the pump is operating
otherwise air can be introduced into the
brew boiler causing an undesireable
condition and the pump can be damaged.
6) Electrical connections
a) Power supply cord
This is the main power supply cable
that pro ides power to the entire espresso
machine. There are different types of cable
based upon the electrical re uirements of
the espresso machine purchased
core cable
mm cross section or
group ersions secured
to espresso machine ia a strain relief
hase core cable with
mm cross section for and group
ersions secured to espresso machine ia
a strain relief connector
hase core cable with
. mm cross section for and group
ersions secured to espresso machine ia
a strain relief connector.
b) Water pump motor power cord
This is the power supply for the water
pump motor. The internal electronics will
switch the pump motor on when needed.
core cable with . mm cross section
or core
ersion secured
to espresso machine ia a strain relief
c) Quick connection between the water pump and the
espresso coffee machine
The electrical connection must be made
through the use of the connectors as
shown in the following gures
iew of the connectors
achine connector
ump connector