5) Brewing coffee
ow you can brew an espresso. isengage
one of the porta lters ll the lter with
ground coffee tamp the ground coffee
with the tamper supplied e erting a force
g and re engage the porta lter to
the group. ress a button on the eypad to
begin the brewing process.
ome baristas belie e it is important
to press the brewing button prior to
installing the porta lter to allow the water
to flush any remaining coffee oils and
particles from the group. ome also flush
ust after brewing coffee for the same
reason. lease e periment to nd the best
possible procedure for you.
6) Water pump
hene er you are brewing coffee and you
can ad ust the pump pressure by turning
the by pass screw below the plug located
on the side to which the pump power
supply is connected cloc wise to increase
and counter cloc wise to reduce pressure.
d ust pressure only when at least one
group is brewing coffee.
When the heating element in the
coffee boiler is energi ed the water will
e pand increasing the start up pressure.
nce the ma imum pressure is reached
the e pansion safety al e should start
wor ing by discharging a few drops of
water in order to pre ent such pressure
from e ceeding
n case the pressure e ceeds
you must ad ust the e pansion al e by
unscrewing the cap slightly. f this is not
suf cient remo e the al e and clear away
any calcium deposits. This remedy is alid
also in case the al e remains open in the
drain position i.e. the pressure cannot
increase to bar appro . .
7) General notes for coffee preparation
The porta lters must remain heated since
they are at the lowest position of the
group itself and they are partially isolated
due to the rubber gas et between them.
This can be accomplished by lea ing the
porta lters installed in the machine when
not in use. The porta lters may also be
acti ely heated. This procedure may be
carried out by brewing some hot water
through the porta lter then turning off the
water flow before ma ing coffee.
t is important to remember that coffee left
o er in the lters must be remo ed only
when you need to prepare another cup
and only at that time should you place a
new dose of ground coffee in the lter.
The si e of the coffee granules is e tremely
important in preparing a good cup of
coffee other than the type of coffee mi
used uite ob iously. The ideal grinding
can be determined by ma ing arious
coffees using the amount of ground coffee
that you would normally use for each cup
we recommend at least
g . The best
grinding is that which allows coffee to flow
out from the lter holder spouts neither
too slowly drop by drop nor too uic ly
uic light brown flow . general rule
is that a double dose should dispense
appro imately
cc or fluid o . of
espresso in appro imately
8) Cup Warmer
ress up armer utton for enabled or
disabled the cup warmer. This function
wor in two modes continuous or timed
see the oftware rogramming anual
for further instructions .
ilter as et
orta ilter
ring as et
ouble pout
up armer utton