from 20 to 35 minutes, depending on
appliance size): the relevant values will
be automatically kept at a constant level
from now on.
During this time, the pointer of the lower
scale on the pressure gauge may reach
as high as 11-12 bar; this may occur
any time that, while activating groups,
motor pump forces cold water into coffee
boiler at a pressure of 8-9 bar and,
simultaneously, the temperature controller
regulating the temperature of the boiler
itself switches on the heating elements
in order to bring the water contained in
such boiler up to operating temperature.
However, in this case it is necessary to
adjust the expansion valve in such a way
that the pressure will never exceed the
value of 12 bar.
Brewing after first installation
Once the first installation procedures are
completed, please follow the steps below
before proceeding with brewing coffee,
hot water and steam:
• Engage the portafilters by inserting
them into groups, brew water through
each of them for at least two minutes.
• Being careful to avoid burns, turn on
each steam wand for at least one minute.
• Turn on hot water valve for the time
necessary to allow the following quantities
of water to be brewed:
- At least 1 liter for a 1-2 group machine
- At least 2 liters for a 3 group machine
- At least 3 liters for a 4 group machine
For EE model
Take a portafilter and place some ground
coffee in the filter itself: the suggested
amounts (in grams) to be used are laser-
marked on the actual filters. Press down
on the ground coffee with the supplied
tamper, engage the filter holder in the
group and then press the switch, thus
allowing coffee to be brewed; when you
have obtained your desired amount of
coffee, press the switch again so that
the machine can discharge the pressure
built up in the filter holder. The holder
may then be removed to proceed with
making another coffee, as required.
For AV model
It is essential to program the quantity
of water delivered by performing the
following operations with the utmost care.
In case of doubt or difficulties, please
contact our technical service.
The coffee metering system is based on the
amount of water which will be delivered
onto the ground coffee already placed
in the filter and the portafilter, which is
measured through a water volume control
system (located above the group assembly
flange, where the group connects to the
boiler). Inside each counter there is a
paddle wheel (which we shall call “the
wheel” for simplicity’s sake) which rotates
as water flows by.
Water cycle sequence is as follows:
solenoid valve
solenoid valve diffuser
coffee brewing spout
The wheel is designed in such a way as
to rotate freely when water is flowing
by; it sends 2 signals, at each complete
rotation, to the electronic module which
processes them and activates solenoid
valve relay of the corresponding group, as
well as motor pump relay.
Such electronic module also processes
the signal sent by boiler’s level gauge
and consequently activates the relevant
solenoid valve relay of the same motor
Dose programming procedure
Press and hold the button with the spiral
symbol for more than 5 seconds.
You can then follow the same operations
as for the standard version, which are
described in the following.
COFFEE BREWING BUTTON (fig.1, part 14)