Mounting the thermo-hygro Sensor
An ideal mounting place for the thermo-hygro sensor would be the
outer wall beneath the extension of a roof, as this will protect the
sensor from direct sunlight and other extreme weather conditions.
To wall mount, use the 2 screws to affix the wall bracket to the de-
sired wall, plug in the thermo-hygro sensor to the bracket and secure
both parts by the use of the supplied screw and ensure that the ca-
bles from the wind and rain sensors are correctly plugged in other-
wise data transmission errors could occur.
10. Resetting & factory settings:
As previously mentioned, in the event of a power reset to the sensor
(for example a change of batteries), the base station has to synchro-
nize to the sensor again otherwise no weather data will be received.
To do this, simply press and hold the PLUS(+) key for 2 seconds and
a short beep will sound to synchronize the base station to the sensor.
When the units are synchronized, the data will be received again and
the base station will return to normal operation mode.
Do not reset the power of the base station otherwise all 175 sets of
recorded weather history data for transferring to the PC will be lost
(for full details of PC use, please see PC user manual in the enclosed
Heavy Weather CD-ROM).
However if you wish to make a full reset of the base station and return
to the original factory settings, simultaneously press and hold the
PRESSURE and WIND keys for about 5 seconds. The base station
will beep once and the entire LCD will light up for 5 seconds and go
back to the original factory settings. This process with clear all previ-
ous user defined values and all weather history recordings.
Factory default settings:
The following table shows the factory default values of the weather
Default Setting:
Time zone
Alarm time
Relative air pressure
1013.0 hPa
Weather-picture threshold
3 hPa
LCD contrast level
5 (1-8 levels)
Rainfall per impulse
Storm alarm
5 hPa
Relative air pressure
960.0 hPa
1040.0 hPa
Indoor temperature alarm
10.0ºC (low)
30.0ºC (high)
Outdoor temperature
0.0ºC (low)
40.0ºC (high)
Indoor humidity alarm
35%RH (low)
65%RH (high)
Outdoor humidity alarm
45%RH (low)
70%RH (high)
Wind chill alarm
10.0ºC (low)
30.0ºC (high)
Dew point alarm
0.0ºC (low)
30.0ºC (high)
Rainfall 24h alarm
Rainfall 1h alarm
Wind Speed
1km/h (low)
100km/h (high)
Wind direction alarm
None set
All alarm default values are deactivated at the start up and any alarm
must be activated by the user otherwise it will not sound.
Rain Cover
Wall Bracket
Main Unit