Windows 7
Driver problems can interfere with the WV5 Communication service load
and corrupt it, especially on Windows 7 64-bit. You may need to uninstall
and re-install the
2812 Heavy Weather software
after updating your
computer’s drivers. If you have an error in the uninstall, simply reboot the
PC before the re-install step. This releases the corrupt service from the
system services.
: Inadequate video drivers in particular tend to be documented on
trouble-shooting sites as the most common problem.
Data Storage:
Your WS-2811U-IT display station will record up to 1750 data sets that
can be downloaded to your computer. This station will not “empty” when
data is downloaded. The station will continue to record and overwrite the
oldest data.
Will my Heavy Weather Pro software work on a Mac operating
We do not support the Mac for the 2800 software, including Windows
running in emulation mode on a Mac.
We have not performed testing on a Mac, including the Windows
emulation mode.
Even when you are running “Windows”, in that state it is just a simulation
of Windows, as opposed to the complete operating system. Additionally, it
is still running on Mac hardware. There may be differences related to
drivers, etc. that prevent connection.
You may want to look at Weather display (weather-display.com) a 3rd
party software program that operates with many of our weather stations.
They offer a 30-day free trial.
Compatible 3
party programs. La Crosse Technology cannot
trouble shoot a 3
party program.
Weather Display
http://www.weather-display.com/index.php. Is a
3rd party program compatible with the WS-2811U-IT (via the
currdat.lst file updated by Heavy Weather Pro software)
Weather Underground
Heavy Weather uploader (WUHU)
http://home.comcast.net/~wuhu_software/. This is a 3
program that works with the WS-2811U-IT by uploading the Heavy
Weather Pro currdat.lst file to Weather Underground and CWOP.