Flashback3 & Flashback HD User’s Guide
P a g e 258
L3 Mobile-Vision
Date, selecting, 39
Firmware version, viewing, 213
Time, selecting, 42
Customer service, 253
Data communication, 250
Current, selecting, 39
Display format, changing, 37
Video was recorded, 29
Daylight Savings Time, turning on/off, 35
Brightness on Flashback monitor, 6
Gain setting for wireless mic, 81, 84
Volume on Flashback monitor, 6
Defective antenna, 9
Delay Stop Timer, 98, 104
DES User ID and password, 199
DHCP, wireless, 155, 169
Dimensions of DVR, 251
Disabling the USB login feature, 203
Display options
Auxiliary 1, 10, 129
Auxiliary 2, 10, 131
Brakes, 10, 126
Emergency lights, 10, 122
GPS, 9, 138
In-car mic, 10
Metric units, 136
Radar, 116, 120
Siren, 10, 124
Speed, 133
Temperature, 141
VLP2, 10
Voltage, 141
WLAN, 143
Displaying the
, 7
Docking Station
Input ports, 19, 24
Light indicators, 18, 24
Pins, cleaning, 18
Removing wireless mic from, 15, 20
Signal strength, 18, 23
Synchronization with wireless mic, 19, 24
Door, on DVR, 3, 23
Download new video to server, 31
Duration of video, 29, 251