Rigging procedures
Place another empty ight-case at the rigging location, remove the lid, and put the tray beneath ARRAY#1.
Pay attention to the tray position: both wedges must slope upwards from front to rear (refer to
Lower ARRAY#1 into the tray. Lower the motor chain(s) so as to release tension.
Remove the motor hook(s) or stinger(s), remove the 4 R-BLP from the M-BUMP, and remove the M-BUMP from
Set ARRAY#1 for transport as follows:
a) On each side of KARA#1, remove the front top link R-BLP, slide the front arm up, rotate down, and secure by re-
inserting the R-BLP into the top storage hole.
b) On each side of the KARA#1, remove the rear top angle R-BLP, slide the angle arm so as to align the cursor with
the storage position, and secure by re-inserting the R-BLP into the top storage hole.
c) Put the ight-case lid on.
Kara owner's manual (EN) version 1.0