TEDS is an acronym for Transducer Electronic Data Sheet.
It is a table of digitized sensor’s information that is held in the transducer. Capable of conducting
applicable measurement without manual setting by reading the information with the TEDS-compatible
Wheatstone Bridge
A Wheatstone bridge circuit is structured by 4 resistors connecting in series to one another and connecting
a power supply and ammeter to 2 opposing connection points, respectively. It is used for detecting minute
resistance change except for low resistance.
Quarter bridge method
It is a measuring method whereby one side of the bridge is formed by a strain gage.
Half bridge method
It is a measuring method whereby two sides of the bridge are formed by one each strain gage respectively.
Full bridge method
It is a measuring method whereby 4 sides of the bridge are formed by one each strain gage respectively.
Output Impedance
Impedance seen from the output terminal of an instrument in opening state.
Preheating Time
A time an instrument required to satisfy its all performance specifications after it is turned ON.
Unbalance Components
Volts that are generated due to the resistive and capacitive deviations of a strain gage bridge.
Balancing Range
A range within which a strain gage bridge’s resistive and capacitive deviations can be corrected. The
resistive balancing range is expressed by a percentage to gage resistance, and the capacitive balancing
range, by a capacitive value.
An output against a strain input under the specified condition.
Gage Factor Ks
The ratio of a change in gage resistance to a change in the amount of a stain applied to a strain gage.
Generally, it is 2 for metal-wire strain gages.
Open Collector Output
It is an output system wherein no transistor load resistance exists and a collector is connected directly to
the output.
A carrier or a carrier wave means AC signals that transmit strain signals. Generally, a carrier is more than
two times larger than the frequency of strains which are to be measured.
When combining 2 signals having different frequency, frequency components of sum and difference
generate. In general, beat means the difference component.