Pre-ride inspection (PRI)
For your safety, it is very important to take a few moments
before each ride to walk around your scooter and check its
condition. If you detect any problem, be sure to address it im-
mediately, or have it corrected by your KYMCO dealer.
Improperly maintaining your scooter or failing to cor-
rect a problem before riding can cause a crash in which
you can be seriously hurt or killed.
Always perform a pre-ride inspection before every ride
and correct any problems.
7. Lights and horn: Check that headlight, tail/brake light, turn
signals, indicators and horn function properly (page 22).
8. Chassis: Check for overall proper function (page 23).
1. Engine oil level: Add engine oil if required (page 17). Check
for leaks.
2. Front and rear brakes: Check operation, make sure there
is proper free-play at the levers (page 17). Inspect the brake
pads and shoes for wear (page 21)
3. Tires: Check condition and inflation (pages 18 & 19).
4. Fuel level: Fill fuel tank when necessary (page 19). Check
for leaks.
6. Steering: Check for smooth operation in all steering posi-
tions (page 20).
Performing pre-ride inspections does not take the place
of regular maintenance. Follow the maintenance sched-
ule recommendations on pages 31 - 48 of this manual.
After one month of use or 200 miles (300 km) of riding,
which ever occurs first, contact your KYMCO dealer to
have an initial service of your scooter performed.
This initial service is the most important service in the
life of your scooter, and includes checks and adjust-
ments that will help ensure that your scooter operates
efficiently and safely.