K60x User Guide
K60x User Guide
Connection Control
In the Connection control area of the Wireless tab, information about the connected hub is
listed for remotes. For hubs, as shown below, the area lists information about the
connected remotes and includes buttons to control preferred hub settings:
. Exclusive means that the preferred hub hard lock has been
Using the Remote Seekroot Role
Configuring a unit with the remote seekroot role is done to prevent a remote from
connecting to an island in the network, (a hub unit or cluster of hub and remote units with
no connection to the root).
The remote seekroot role must only be assigned when a root hub is defined on the
network. Assigning a remote_seekroot role on a network without a root hub will
cause the remote to periodically disconnect, scan and reconnect, causing an
intermittent disruption that is difficult to troubleshoot.
A unit assigned the remote seekroot role will scan for a hub within range, connect and then
search for a path to the root. If a path to the root is not found, the remote seekroot unit
will connect to a different hub and attempt to find a path to the root again. After a path to
the root is found, the units remain connected. This root seeking behavior ensures that the
remote does not connect to an island.
A remote will always connect to its configured preferred hub, regardless of the seekroot
status. However, if the preferred hub is unavailable the remote will attempt to connect to
an alternate hub, following the seekroot behavior again.