34 | kvm-tec
kvm-tec | 35
3.5 aboUT THIs DEVIcE
By pressing the „
“ key or by selecting the arrow keys, you access the info menu, where you will find
information about hardware and software versions, as well as activated upgrades.
SCREEN „About this device“
3. MaIn MEnU sETTInGs
4. fEaTUrEs
4.1 MEnU fEaTUrEs
Pressing the „
“ key or selecting the arrow keys, you will access the FEATURES menu, where
you can select all the functions and the features.
V- Multiview commander
M- Mouse Glide & switch
P- Point to point Mode on/off
s- Matrix switching Mode
D- Displayport Multistream
Two features are already pre-installed, which can be set by pressing „F“ in the main menu.
You can activate either the 4K Multiview Commander or the Mouse Glide & Switch.
4. EXTEnDEr fEaTUrEs