PC88 Made Easy
MIDI Setups mode allows you to have up to 4 zones, with a different program on each
zone. Therefore, the maximum number of programs you can split or layer from the
keyboard is four. (But the instrument can still respond on all 16 MIDI channels from an
external MIDI controller or sequencer.)
MIDI Setups mode and Internal Voices mode function identically, with only a few
exceptions. You will always only have one zone in Internal Voices mode, since you are
playing a single Program. (It is possible to start in Internal Voices mode and add zones,
but when you go to save what you have done, you will have to save it as a Setup.)
User Interface Basics
The following is a review of the information covered in chapter 2 of the manual. If you
read nothing else in the manual, you should go back and read that chapter.
The buttons on the front panel are divided into sections.
Sound/Setup Select -
We already mentioned how you can use these buttons to call up programs when in
Internal Voices mode, but you can also use them for calling up Setups when in MIDI
Setups mode. Notice that the 16 buttons are labeled with the numbers 1-16. By using
these buttons along with the Previous Group and Next Group buttons, you have access
to 16 different Setups at a time with only one button press. The 16 buttons can then be
used to access the Setups as follows:
Group A
Setups 1-16
Group B
S etups 17-32
Group C
S etups 33-48
There are a total of 128 locations for Setups, which gives you 8 possible groups (A-H).
Press the MIDI Setups button.
Press the #1 Sound Select button (also labeled Classical Piano). If you have j ust
turned on the instrument, the top line of the display should say S001 A Piano Trio. If it
doesnÕt, press the Previous Group button repeatedly until it does. You have now called
up Setup #1. Notice that the bottom line says A01, showing you that you are in Group
A on the #1 Sound Select button. Following the A01, it will show a number and a
Program name. This shows you the name of the Program in the currently selected Zone
(more on this later).
Press the Next Group button. The top line of the display now shows S017 FluidGtr &
Vibe (Setup #17) and the bottom line shows B01. This tells you that you have moved to
Group B but you are still on the #1 Sound Select button.
Press the #2 Sound Select button (also labeled Stage Piano). Now the display shows
S018 Click and Trio on the top line and B02 on the bottom line. Notice that you have