PC88 Made Easy
3. Assigning Sliders for Volume in Different Zones
Go through steps 1-4 in tutorial #1.
Hold the Controllers button and move Slider A. The display now shows Zone:1 Slider
A, Ctrl Num:None. Press 7, then Enter to assign Slider A to Volume. (Controller #7 is
MIDI Volume. For a complete list of all the MIDI controllers, see Appendix F in the
Go through steps 5 and 6 in tutorial #1 to create a second zone.
Hold the Controllers button and move Slider B. The display now shows Zone:2 Slider
B, Ctrl Num:None. Press 7, then Enter to assign Slider B to Volume. Play the keyboard
and move the two sliders. You can control the volume of each zone independently.
Go through steps 8 and 9 in tutorial #1 to name and save your Setup.
Of course, you can use the C and D sliders to control volumes on the 3rd and 4th zone
in a Setup. We have already created a template Setup, #16 Volume Sliders, which does
this. So though we normally suggest you start with Setup 127 when making your own
Setups, you can start with this one and j ust change the programs to the ones you need
for a quick way to create a Setup.. However, it is good to try making your own from
scratch at least once to see how it is done.